A light-skinned, dark curly haired woman standing proudly with her well-endowed nose on display
Body Acceptance,  Smashing the Patriarchy

Learning to love my Jewish nose

My nose was my biggest physical insecurity growing up. I thought it was too big for my face and I didn’t like its curves. I would look in the mirror, examining my profile and trying to convince myself that it wasn’t so bad. Even up until recently, I would try to only have pictures taken straight on or from the side I didn’t hate as much. I occasionally still catch myself feeling extremely exposed if someone is looking at my right side profile, and sometimes turn my head or try to hide it with my hand. 


The thought of getting a nose job crossed my mind occasionally – as if, when you don’t like something, you just break it.


My orthodontist told me that the “problem” wasn’t my nose at all; it was that my chin wasn’t “strong” enough, making my nose look bigger. He said, “It’s okay, sweetie, God just didn’t give you a chin” and offered to refer me to a plastic surgeon for a chin implant. He was a brilliant businessman, taking advantage of a 12 year old’s insecurities and creating a new one to obsess about. 


This is a version of the story that women hear over and over again from society: “Take up less space.” “Be small, dainty, and unassuming.”


Well, I turn up my curvy, well-endowed nose at that bullshit. 


I’m far less insecure about my nose than I used to be. I like that she has character. I accept that she’s a part of me, and that without her unique shape and ample resonating cavities, I probably wouldn’t be able to sing the same way.


Although you don’t have to be Jewish to have a well-endowed nose (and not all Jews have them), it tends to be a common characteristic amongst us Hebrews and Shebrews and Theybrews. I strive to be proud of my “Jewish nose” – shrinking it would even be a form of participating in my own oppression (as shrinking my body would be). That doesn’t mean I love it every day. It means that I would rather focus my energy on accepting it than trying to change it, an effort that would be expensive, painful, and would reinforce harmful beauty standards


Caroline Caldwell is quoted: “In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.” 


Or, in other words, accepting your nose is a great and radical act of chutzpah!


Photo: Amelia Anne Photography

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3 years ago

💕💕💕💕💕 Beautiful words and photo. You’re gorgeous inside and out.

2 years ago

Thank you for your words here. I am 55 now and struggle with my nose more than ever. It looks to me like a strange curved beak. I don’t know how to be okay with it. I think about changing it if I had the money – except I don’t want to remove the Jewishness from my face. I don’t want to suppress my Jewish heritage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amber

Thank you so much Amber!

2 years ago
Reply to  Amber

It is so kind and helpful of you to take the trouble to write me this. I agree wholeheartedly. The fact is I value the Jewishness of my nose more than I dislike it, so I could certainly work on that as a way to be comfortable with it, and even to think of it as a form of ‘unconventional beauty.’

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