Body Acceptance, Diet Recovery, Eating Disorder Recovery, Jewish Culture, Mental Health, Spirituality
A Song About Body Acceptance
Last week I released a song called “Rocky Mountains” about body acceptance, and I wanted to share some of the backstory. I survived an eating disorder in my early 20s. I’d been to outpatient treatment, and I got better, but something was keeping me from fully recovering. My relationship with food and my body was still fraught for many…
Eating Disorder Awareness: What You Can Do
I didn’t know I had an eating disorder. I thought I just couldn’t control myself around food. I thought I was “being good” by counting calories and trying to eat less. I thought that the time had inevitably come when I’d have to start worrying about my weight like I saw other people do, especially as they got older.…
Staying sane around food during the holidays
Okay, so raise your hand if any of these thoughts are running through your head during the holiday season… “Why am I still eating even though I’m so full?” “I want ALL THE COOKIES.” “I’m gonna gain so much weight from eating all this.” Pretty overwhelming, eh? First, just a reminder that your worth is NOT determined by…
How to be okay with pandemic weight gain
My body changed during the pandemic and I’m okay with that. I’m not entirely sure if I gained weight or how much, because I don’t weigh myself (part of my recovery), but I have noticed some changes in the way my body looks and feels, and the way my clothes fit. For a very long time, I…
Learning to love my Jewish nose
My nose was my biggest physical insecurity growing up. I thought it was too big for my face and I didn’t like its curves. I would look in the mirror, examining my profile and trying to convince myself that it wasn’t so bad. Even up until recently, I would try to only have pictures taken straight on or from…