Body Acceptance, Diet Recovery, Eating Disorder Recovery, Jewish Culture, Mental Health, Spirituality
A Song About Body Acceptance
Last week I released a song called “Rocky Mountains” about body acceptance, and I wanted to share some of the backstory. I survived an eating disorder in my early 20s. I’d been to outpatient treatment, and I got better, but something was keeping me from fully recovering. My relationship with food and my body was still fraught for many…
Do you ever have a full blown anxiety attack over something seemingly trivial, like being on hold for a long time with your insurance company, or an app not working properly? Usually it’s not so much about those little things, but the little things create a boiling point for the other frustrations brewing beneath the surface. When this happened…
3 Reasons to Eat on Yom Kippur
If you’re in recovery from an eating disorder, from dieting, or are healing your relationship with food, it’s okay to eat on Yom Kippur – and you don’t need a rabbi to tell you that, because you have autonomy over your own body and decisions. For me, fasting is a destructive reminder of the days I’d starve myself. In…
Be Real. Kvetch More.
Sometimes I wonder if I complain too much, or if I’m too negative. There’s definitely a fair amount of kvetching (complaining) in the Jewish world. We worry. We’re on edge. I think it’s probably embedded in us after centuries of persecution. It’s all over our comedy. It’s even in the Torah; the Hebrews complained that things weren’t as…
Am I too much?
I learned I was too much when the boy I had a crush on in 7th grade said I was “too emotional” and flushed my love letters down the toilet. I learned I was too much when exes called me crazy and punished me for crying or said that maybe they didn’t actually want to be with a…